Busting Excuses : Why You Deserve a Boudoir Experience | Dallas Boudoir Photographer

Busting Excuses

Excuses are a form of fear. Let’s be real, I’m definitely right about that. When we are scared or fearful, we come up with excuses. The biggest example of this is when you need to do self care. We have all the excuses : we are too busy, our children need something, work is in the way. We also use ourselves as an excuse…. “I need to lose 10-15 pounds first.” or “I just don’t have the money.” I wanted to share with you all the reasons you DO have to do this. Don’t let the fear take over. You ARE worth it.

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“I don’t have enough time for myself”

You can’t give to yourself, work, family, or anyone for that matter if you aren’t taking care of yourself. Most people think I’m talking about just physically, while maybe that’s true, what I’m mostly referring to is taking care of yourself mentally. I am the queen of falling into this trap and not taking care of me until it’s too late. I also need the slap in the face to SLOW DOWN and take care of me.

Imagine 4-5 hours of uninterrupted peace!

It sounds like a dream right? Well it’s not babe! It’s the damn truth. It’s reality.
At your shoot, you can put your phone to the side, you can breathe and take some time for you. You will fall in love with yourself and let’s be real, what’s more powerful than a babe with confidence?
You need to have time for YOU. Why not spend it getting pampered and gaining confidence?

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Traveling boudoir photographer

“I’m not happy with my weight/size.”

FUCK the media! Only MAYBE 5% of American females actually could fit into that media driven mold. FIVE FUCKING PERCENT.

A size doesn’t make you healthy so why does your size determine if you are happy and love yourself? Why are we playing the comparison game? Why do you want to blend in with ‘“societies” standards? BE YOURSELF BABE!

Having goals for your body is great! I love goals. But you don’t get to those goals by hating yourself and putting yourself down. Love who you are right now, kick those goals asses if you want to and love yourself even more.

Your boudoir shoot will help you celebrate yourself now and then do it again when you reach that milestone.

Traveling Boudoir Photographer
Dallas boudoir photo

“I am not sexy! So I can’t do this.”

Umm…. NOPE!

I’m not always right, but I am definitely right about this.
Your thoughts about you not being sexy is EXACTLY why you should be doing this. I am here to show you how sexy you actually are.

Trust me, I get it. Work, children, life… there are plenty of times that we don’t feel sexy and many reasons why we don’t feel sexy. It’s completely normal to feel this way. However, do you want to stay in that rut? Do you want to lose that spunk forever? Of course you don’t. You just need a little jump start to all the sexy hiding inside of you.

Bring in what you feel sexy in and let’s rock this shit. Boudoir is not about a particular outfit.

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“This is an investment and I don't have the money.”

While you are investing in this shoot, you are more so investing in YOU! You are building your self confidence, you are seeing your beauty and strength. We do have a variety of payment plans to assist with the investment. All you have to do to book is pay the retainer, after that we can get you set up on a payment plan. It’s seriously that easy.