Miss M Intimate Boudoir Experience | Dallas Boudoir Photographer

I ask clients to write about their sessions if they feel up to it. The reason is that while you can read reviews on google, they usually aren’t as detailed about the experience. You want to know what these babes are experiencing.

When Miss M sent this back to me. I was speechless. While I know the power of boudoir, it’s always moving to hear what someone has to say about it from their eyes. I watched this gorgeous babe go from shy and feeling down to the gorgeous powerful woman she is.

I met this babe at a retreat in 2018 and she made a trip from Louisiana to Houston while I was doing a boudoir marathon! Let’s hear this fearless babes story and her experience with her boudoir experience!

Miss M shares the story of her boudoir experience

When I had my first session with Lexie I was a super unconfident woman coming out of a relationship that broke my heart and sent my head spinning back to the feelings I had from a previous relationship of being told horrible things about my body and how I would never be enough to attract or keep a man... I had a negative attitude about myself and knew I needed to change that and only I could...

I met Lexie at a retreat in October 2018... when she spoke about how these sessions were really for the woman and not someone else it got me to think about myself and how I needed a confidence booster... when she had an opening in Houston I jumped on it and drove about 5-6 hours... I wasn't sure what was going to happen but I was excited with a little bit of nervousness...


The day of my session, I was really comfortable... the space was beautiful and Lexie is super professional and such a comforting person... I didn't have to think about anything... I let her lead the way and I felt my confidence building along the way...

Hair and Makeup were super laid back and relaxing... Since I was working solely with Lexie it gave us more time to talk and bond and learn more about how the session would go...

I felt empowered during the session... I felt that I was sexy... that I was enough... and I knew I was healing from my emotional self doubt... I know that may seem strange but it was truly what I needed... Lexie showed me every pose before I did it and it was amazingly free-ing...


I simply couldn't believe the woman in the photos was me... I thought surely not... but then... no that is me... she is beautiful... she is fierce... she has a story... and I was so thankful that I took the leap and did the session...

I felt so much more comfortable with myself and my body... so much so that I booked another session for 6 months... but everyday I feel myself healing and becoming more confident... I can't wait to see the sexy confident woman who has grown over the past 6 months...

Ready to book your intimate boudoir experience?