Power of Affirmation | Dallas Boudoir Photography

Our words are so powerful than we could ever think of. A simple “I can do this” habit done in front of a mirror every morning can take you a long way.

Yes. Believe it or not, it does. We don’t often notice but the simplest intent can make up for a bad day.

But, what exactly are affirmations? How is this beneficial to our state of mind? According to the definition by Richard J. D'Souza a clinical hypnotherapist,

Affirmations are words that have extreme power. When you communicate, your words can not only influence others, but can also transform your internal state on a deep and profound level.

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Affirmations are key essentials to overcoming trial and celebrating triumphs. This plays a big role in our manifestations, reaching our goals, and basically in our day-to-day lives.

Affirmations are powerful, positive statements that aim to direct your conscious and subconscious mind, challenging previously held unhealthy and negative thinking patterns. When they are spoken with conviction, they can alter your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behaviour. When used intentionally to create change, they can help project you into your achievements.

Science of Affirmation

It’s not just your emotions and how we perceive things but Positive Affirmation and how it affects us as a whole is also backed-up by Scientific explanations.

According to a study conducted was an MRI evidence suggesting that certain neural pathways are increased when people practice self-affirmation tasks (Cascio et al., 2016). If you want to be super specific, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex—involved in positive valuation and self-related information processing—becomes more active when we consider our personal values (Falk et al., 2015; Cascio et al., 2016).

The results of a study by Falk and colleagues suggest that when we choose to practice positive affirmations, we’re better able to view “otherwise-threatening information as more self-relevant and valuable” (2015: 1979). As we’ll see in a moment, this can have several benefits because it relates to how we process information about ourselves.

Benefits of Affirmation

Like your daily dose of vitamins, affirmation is beneficial, not only to your mental health but your entire state.

  1. Motivate you to act. And when you action your goals, it further boosts your desire to continue your actions.

  2. Self-affirmations have been shown to decrease health-deteriorating stress (Sherman et al., 2009; Critcher & Dunning, 2015);

  3. Concentrate on your goals. Goal achievement is helped by persistently keeping your mind focused in the “goal zone”.

  4. Change your negative thought patterns into positive ones.

  5. Influence your subconscious mind to access new beliefs.

  6. Help you feel positive about yourself and boost your self-confidence.

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In many ways, affirmations play a big role in the lives of many. It can help you be the person you ought to be tr break that. And most especially we, as an individual must always remember that words are powerful, it strikes through the heart. and one must know the greatness of this power.