Boudoir and a Cup of Coffee | Dallas Boudoir Photography

Today is another day, and this means another chance for work, life, and a step closer to reaching our goals - this also means getting up from the bed and start grinding.

Tell me, how do you start your day?


Jump start your day

If you would ask me, some days waking up and prepping for another day of hustle is a fight scene between my bed and me.

I'll be honest with you being a single mom, running a business, and having to be in charge is not pure fun. There are days when I don't feel like I am myself, and I want to give in and snuggle back to bed.

No, I am not complaining, but I sure can bet that some of you have been feeling the same, right? Some days stress gets out of hand, and a good cup of coffee is the perfect release for most of us. A good cup of coffee, whether it's a takeaway from your favorite coffee shop or home-brewed, espresso, latte, or however you prefer it helps ease the stress, wakes you up, and keeps you going. (I have to take a pause, typing this down makes me want to have another cup...)

Peppermint Mocha

I like my coffee warm, milky, with a dash of peppermint for a little bit of calmness.

Just like my favorite blend, photographing a boudoir session in my Dallas studio gives me the same feeling.


Doing a session allows me to relax, destress, and what's more, I get to do it just how I want it; whether it’s sexy, naughty, a little bit dirty, or just girly and flirty.

Before coming in for a session, people would tell me how nervous they are or how they don’t feel good about themselves. Others tell me that they want this because they want to feel good or even better.

Like your favorite cup, boudoir pumps you up. In a way, it allows you to let go of the things that stress you out, it makes you feel good, and what a better way of waking up some nerves than a FEARLESS session.

Yes, you got that right, a fearless session! Just like coffee, you get to choose your packages and how you want to your session to look because some things should not be made complicated.

Boudoir and a cup of coffee, different but are alike in many ways. Don't allow yourself to feel less then, to be defeated by stress or a crazy schedule - Grab a cup of coffee, squeeze in a boudoir session. Let's take those worries away with some fun and laughter.